Who is Kari?! ❤️ 👽 💫 🌊 🌈

Who is Kari?! ❤️ 👽 💫 🌊 🌈

Hi there & welcome to my little space on the big web.

I am Kari DeWitt & my pronouns are she/her.

I was married and had kids, played by the rules that were handed to me.

Right after my 41st birthday, I had an life altering experience that brought me to a mind blowing ah-ha moment. I realized was NOT straight!!! I am what is now called a "late bloomer."

In the years that followed I dove into the inner work and growth that it took for me to step into my own truth and create the life that aligned with the truest version of myself.

I uncovered and navigated all the challenges, fears, doubts, and insecurities that had been a part of my interior world stopping me from knowing ME.

It took an enormous amount of courageous to allow myself to follow the path that led to ME. To accept and love myself without judgment of who I was or who I had been.

Over the 5 years that followed my coming out as queer, I learned how to love myself on a whole new level and embrace my gayness in all of its rainbow glory.

It has been and continues to be a extraordinary journey of self-discovery and acceptance of what was true for me rather than living a truth set by others.

I now use all that I have learned on my journey to support others as an LGBTQIA+ Spiritual Empowerment Coach.

My soul work is to support those in the LGBTQIA+ family, specializing in working with late bloomers, who are are on their journey of understanding of who they REALLY are, what their soul purpose is and desire to create a FUQ YES LIFE living in full authentic expression of who they truly are and experience the absolute magic that is in that level of beingness!

My Mission: To support, encourage, and empower LGBTQIA+ people who are choosing a path of soul aligned authenticity, soul growth and awakening, and healing so they can experience freedom, love, and happiness like never before.


Health Coach Certification (HCI)

Life Coach Certification (HCI)

Advanced Transformational Coaching Certification (HCI)

Mastery Coaching Certification (HCI)

Akashic Field Healing Certification (AFSH)