Follow your inner guidance to achieve the dream life you never thought possible for yourself and experience


It's time to live your fully realized authentic life, healed & empowered!

**If you are a Late Bloomer looking for a community please join my

Late Bloomer Lesbian+ Support Group on Facebook.

Living Your


life movement

is here!!!

In the group I'll share the amazing journey of living my mission of living my most authentic queer FUQ YES LIFE!

To share in my rawest, most authentically vulnerable way to inspire, empower, and encourage YOU!

To help you lean into your desire to live out your most extraordinarily amazing life possible! Come join us!

Join the Fuq Yes Life Community Facebook Group by clicking the subscription link above!

I post: weekly oracle card pulls for the community, frequent uplifting/empowering posts, & most importantly live events where we get to do this thing called a FUQ YES LIFE together!

I can't wait to have your energy in this community with us! See you soon!

Membership group: $11.11 monthly

***Note: Please include your Facebook Username in the PayPal subscription transaction notes so I am able to approve you being added to the Facebook group in a timely manner.***

Meet Kari DeWitt, (she/her)

Kari DeWitt is a spiritual mentor & empowerment coach who works with the LGBTQIA+ community, and most specifically, late bloomers like herself. Raised with the belief that being gay was not an option and went against the religious beliefs of the Christian faith. She worked hard to fit the mold she was told to fit for 41 years until the realization that she was gay slapped her into a tailspin of “who is Kari?”

Realizing her sexuality was not as it seemed, the rest of her life followed that path…she began to realize nothing was as it seemed, which led her to a profound spiritual awakening process that shook her whole world up. 

The work Kari does with people comes from her training as a coach/healer, but even more from her own walk through this life altering, game changing, extraordinary journey. One that includes dismantling her life in order to get to the original blueprint of who she actually was before she was told who to be. 

She knows how wild and messy this ride can be. It is her belief that everyone deserves the experience of living their most authentic fuq yes life! She also believes that THAT is the biggest work she does in the world. Reminding people of this! 

She has created a community space for those who are wanting to experience their most authentic FUQ YES Life. This is a space for those who are waking up to their full potential, their soul's path, and purpose. In this space she DOES life with what she calls her soul family of light beings who are stepping into soul expression and rippling out their light into the world.
